Do you know all about dental fillings?

A dental filling is one of the ways a dentist can repair a tooth that is suffering from decay. When it comes to cavities, the problem only gets worse if left untreated. A filling restores the tooth to its normal shape and function. Dr. Kevin and his staff at BaaBee Dentistry in Las Vegas understand how scary cavities can be, which is why they go the extra mile to help patients feel comfortable when they need a dental filling.

Only Your Dentist Can Fix A Cavity

Cavities can usually only be identified by your dentist. In the early stages of decay, you may not notice there is a problem. The best time to get a dental filling is before you can actually feel any pain in your tooth. That means the cavity is still very small and hasn’t gotten infected.

Cavities are typically discovered during the course of regular dental checkups. After your regular cleaning, Dr. K will let you know that he’s found a cavity and will ask that you schedule a follow up appointment to receive a dental filling.

How A Cavity Is Filled

In order to fill a cavity, the dentist must first remove the decayed, damaged portion of the tooth. Then, he has to clean the area before finally filling it with specialized material that closes up the hole and prevents bacteria from entering the cavity and keeps the problem from worsening.

When you arrive for your dental filling, you won’t see the hygienist first, like during a typical dental cleaning visit. You will meet directly with Dr. K, who will sit you down in the exam chair and outline the procedure.

The first thing he will do is numb your mouth. The teeth, gums, and lips surrounding the affected area will need to be numb so that you don’t feel anything during the course of the filling. First he will numb the area with a gel, then inject a local anesthetic into strategic areas surrounding the tooth to be filled. It takes a few minutes for the anesthesia to take effect, but Dr. K will double check that you can’t feel anything before he begins working on the tooth.

Once you are fully numb, he will get to work on the cavity. He will use a small drill to remove the decayed portion of the tooth. This instrument does make noise, and sometimes it can be helpful to ask to hear the drill before he uses it to help ease anxiety. After he removes the decay, he will clean the area to remove any bacteria that may lie in the cavity. Once the area is clean, he will use special dental filling material to close up the cavity. Once the filling is applied, Dr. K will need to shape it to be sure that the filling fits the tooth perfectly and that your bite is not affected.

After A Dental Filling

After the filling has been placed and shaped, you are free to leave the office. Your face will be numb for an hour or so after you leave, which can make speaking, eating and drinking a challenge. It’s best to wait until you have regained all feeling before attempting these functions.

Most patients feel perfectly normal after receiving a dental filling, but others may find that there is minor swelling and sensitivity in the affected area for a week or so after the filling, especially if the patient received more than one dental filling. Follow all of Dr. Kevin’s after care instructions, but if you find you have difficulty chewing or if you feel like something is wrong, call the office immediately so that necessary adjustments can be made.

It is very important that you do not delay when dealing with cavities. Unless they are treated, they will always get worse. Dr. Kevin and his staff at BaaBee Dentistry in Las Vegas understand that cavities can be scary, which is why they strive to make every patient as comfortable as possible in the office. If you’ve put off your annual dental visit, or think you have a cavity, contact BaaBee Dentistry to learn more about dental fillings.

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