Here’s What’s Wearing Down Your Teeth

Tooth pain can be caused by a number of factors. One of the most common reasons of tooth ache includes tooth wear. In this article we will discuss tooth wear and what causes it.

Tooth wear is a complex process that leads to loss of tooth structure. It may include damage to enamel or may even be as dramatic as a broken tooth due to an accident.

A certain amount of tooth wear is natural with time and with age as well. But when it becomes severe and begins to reach the nerves of your teeth, it is necessary to see a dentist. Let’s look at some of the possible causes of severe tooth decay.

Our teeth have an exterior coating called enamel. Tooth wear might be caused by unhealthy behavior or due to age.

Gnashing of the Teeth

Have you noticed yourself grinding and clenching your teeth? Frequent grinding or clenching your teeth can lead to tooth wear. Excessive gnashing or clenching of your teeth can also cause your back teeth to flatten out and your front teeth to get shorter.

From a dentist’s standpoint, this condition is called bruxism. It can lead to more dental problems if not treated correctly and on time. Bruxism can also be caused by stress, worry, or the use of antidepressants. So, whenever you notice even a seemingly innocuous symptom of it, see a dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will assist you in determining the source of your disease and treat you accordingly.

Saber or Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth can look like a minor line in your tooth, but it can turn into a big problem and cause your tooth to split. The problem can occur if you have a habit of biting hard and rigid things, such as ice, the backside of a pencil, or any other object. If you ever went to see a dentist to treat a cavity and had a filling, then there’s a chance that your teeth might end up breaking if not treated correctly.

Aerated Drinks

Acidic beverages such as soda, soft drinks, and others can erode your teeth’s natural enamel. Enamel deficiency can lead to cavities and other dental issues. Hot and cold beverages will cause your teeth to become sensitive.

The ideal step here is to limit your acidic drink consumption to enable enamel growth in order to protect your teeth from harmful bacteria. You can gargle with mouthwash after drinking acidic beverages.

Teeth wear can be caused by a variety of factors. Early detection, prevention and and monitoring all outcomes is extremely important to ensure the wear and tear does not cause a lot of trouble. Following this route may help you avoid operative techniques.

If you want to know more about tooth care tips or require professional help of a dentist, you can schedule an appointment at BaaBee Dentistry. We deliver high-quality, affordable dental care for both children and adults. Our treatments are tailored to your specific needs and our team is well-versed in a variety of technology, including dental microscopes, lasers, and more. Reach out to us and we will help you get rid of all tooth-related issues in a painless and quick manner.

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