Things You Can Expect During Wisdom Tooth Removal

One of the most common oral surgery procedures includes wisdom tooth removal. Often it is recommended by dentists as a preventive measure to protect your teeth from any potential issues. The best part about wisdom tooth removal is that it helps preserve your oral health. In addition, while you are going for a wisdom tooth removal, you can be stress-free because the recovery is quick, and you can get back to your daily routine in no time.

Why is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

The wisdom teeth are ideally the third set of molars present in the back of your mouth. People in the age group 17 to 25 go through wisdom tooth removal. It is mainly because the wisdom tooth is generally spotted on the X-rays during this age.

The majority of the people remove their wisdom teeth because they are impacted. The wisdom tooth is quite far in your mouth, and it might not usually appear. It can be trapped in the jawbone or in the gums, which is undoubtedly painful. Another issue with wisdom teeth is that they grow at improper angles and press against your other set of teeth. The best solution for all of these problems is to have them removed by a professional.

What to Expect During Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Before Surgery

It would be best if you connected with the oral surgeon to talk about the process. During this time, you must speak about any health issues you may be suffering from or any medication you take regularly. Discuss the type of anesthesia the dentist will give you and ask if you would be fully or partially conscious during the surgery. Plan some time off work or any other activity you may be doing to rest at home. If needed, set up an appointment for childcare or pet care.

During the Surgery

Your surgery takes around 45 minutes or even less. Different types of anesthesia are given during the surgery, so you do not feel any pain during the removal process. Generally, doctors use local anesthesia to numb your mouth during the surgery. Besides that, IV sedition is also given to patients through the vein to make them drowsy. The doctor will decide the type of anesthesia depending on your condition.

The surgeon will cut through your gums or bones to remove the teeth during the surgery. They will also stitch the wounds so that it heals quickly. The stitches dissolve soon after a few days. Then, if required, the surgeon will stuff gauze pads in the mouth to soak up the blood.

After Surgery

Not everyone responds the same to anesthesia. A majority of the people do not feel any pain after the surgery. You will face some swelling for at least three days, and your mouth will need a few weeks to heal completely. After the surgery, you will need to use an ice pack to get rid of the swelling.

What Do We Offer?

At Baabee Dentistry, we offer the best wisdom tooth removal treatments. Our surgeons are well trained and have a lot of expertise so you can be stress-free when you choose us.

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