Vegetables and Fruits as Natural Teeth Whiteners

Pineapples are rich in vitamin C and can provide teeth whitening. Due to high amount of vitamin C pineapples prevent plaque formation and gum diseases. It was discovered that the enzyme bromelain present in pineapples acts as a natural stain remover. Bromelain also helps to destroy plaque, this bunch of bacteria gathering on our teeth.

Some crunchy vegetables like celery, carrot, cucumber, and broccoli are natural teeth whiteners. These vegetables act as natural abrasive scrubbing away stains from teeth. Cucumber is a good resource of dietary fiber that aids to massage the teeth and gums. Cucumber juice is also useful for people with gums problems.

Carrots contain vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy tooth enamel. Carrot work as natural abrasives eliminating the dirt and plague from the teeth. It also stimulates salivation. Minerals in carrots assist to destroy germs in the mouth and protect from tooth damage.

Celery is an effective remedy against the bacteria in the mouth. Celery has stringy structure and acts well as natural teeth cleaner. Eating celery will break up plaque and assists to clean out the grooves between the teeth from food and germs.

Whether you select apples or raw carrots, you should be aware that its work as natural abrasive agents upon our teeth. Remember that you cannot get white teeth like through magic in few days. However by eating these veggies and fruits you will clean your teeth in a natural way, making them cleaner and brighter.

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